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249 results found. First 16 results are being shown
Sheri Allen
Executive Assistant. Academic Affairs
Jody Anderson
Director, Institutional Research
Tricia Anderson
Assistant Professor, College of Education
Jim Andrews
Chief, Campus Police
Jeri-Mae Astolfi
Senior Artist-in-Residence
Ashlyn Atnip
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Alayna Baggenstoss
Assistant Director, Residence Life
Bailey, Elaine
Elaine Bailey
Associate Professor, Chemistry | Chair, Department of Natural Sciences | Assoc. Dean, Mathematical and Natural Sciences
Toni Bailey
Assistant Professor, Education
Davis Barlow
Assistant Director, Athletic Communications
Barnett, Haley
Haley Barnett
Assistant Professor, Nursing
Alicia Barton
Administrative Assistant, College of Arts and Sciences
Kyle Beaman
Assistant Director, Residential Living
Sarah Benton
Assistant Director, Financial Aid
Blackshear, Minnie
Mindie Blackshear-Turner
Assistant Professor, Mental Health Counseling | Chair, Mental Health Counseling
Kara Blalock
Manager, Payroll
Kathy Blandin
Associate Professor, Theatre | Department Chair/Coordinator, Theatre & Drama Education
Brenda Boonstra
Director, Undergraduate Admissions
Jeff Bowers
Associate Professor, Spanish | Chair, Department of Independent Studies
Rebecca Brantley
Director, Mason-Scharfenstein Museum of Art
Breithaupt, Kathy
Kathy Breithaupt
Professor, Education
Breucs-Dawsey, Joe
Joseph Brenes-Dawsey
Director, Institutional Effectiveness
Laura Briggs
Manager, Prospect Research
John Brooks
Administrator, Ellucian
Lisa Brookshire
Manager, Faculty Services and Budget, College of Education
Savannah Brookshire
Assistant Professor – Accounting
Angela Brown
Angela Brown
Professor, Education
Jeff Bruns
Professor, Business
Christian Buckmire
Assistant Coach, Women's Basketball
Christopher Burnett
Liz Butikofer
Director, Daily Operations, Athletics
Butts, Doug
Douglas Butts
Associate Professor of Biology
Carlos Camp
Professor, Biology
Stacy Campbell
Adjunct, Clinical Supervisor
Bri Cantrell
Administrative Assistant
Dylan Cantrell
Assistant Coach, Men's and Women's Cycling
Carlan, Chanda
Chanda Carlan
Associate Professor, Nursing
Stephen Carlson
Professor, Business
Ed Carmack
Director, Institutional Research Data Analyst
James Carney
Head Coach, Men & Women's Cycling
Lydia Carr
Assistant Director, Career Services
Carrigan, Sean
Sean Carrigan
Professor, Chemistry
Samantha Carter
Executive Assistant, Administration and Finance
Windy Charles
Professor, English
Elias Clinton
Associate Professor, Education
Ashley Clouatre
Director, Graduate Admissions
Katy Coker
Administrative Assistant, Walker College of Business
Alicia Collier
Senior Staff Accountant, Controller’s Office
Amy Cox photo
Amy Cox
Clinical Supervisor
Christal Craig
Assistant Controller, Finance
Hayden Craig
Associate Coach, Baseball
Crawford, Kim
Kim Crawford
Vice President, Student Affairs
Marshall Criser
Jason Croy
Coordinator, Campus Recreation & Wellness
Steve Dague
Administrator, Network Systems
Darby, Laura
Laura Darby
Associate Professor, Nursing
Hugh Davis
Professor, English | Chair, Department of Humanities
Davis, Jalen
Jalen Davis
Recruiter, Undergraduate Admissions
Jefferson Davis
Technician, Help Desk
John Delf-Montgomery
Head Coach, Strength & Conditioning
Joe Dennis
Associate Professor, Mass Communications | Chair, Department of Mass Communications
Mark Destro
Assistant Coach, Men's Lacrosse
Brittany DeVane
Advisor, Undergraduate Admissions
Jaydn DeWald
Associate Professor, English
Lindsay Dilbeck
Assistant Professor, Health Sciences
Debra Dooley
Professor, Earth Science
Christine Dowdy
Advisor, Financial Aid
Alexandrea Drake
Assistant Director, Residential Living
Cortney Drake
Staff Accountant, Controller’s Office
Andrew Duitsman
Assistant Professor of Biology
Timothy Dunton
Head Coach, Men's Lacrosse
Ineke Dyer
Director, Student Support Services
Edwards, Bill
Bill Edwards
Terrie Ellerbee
Specialist, Admissions and Parent Communications
Ellett, Jackie
Jackie Ellett
Associate Professor, Art Education
Tanya Elrod
Assistant, Maintenance-Fleet
Peyton Etheridge
Specialist, Student Services Center
Mark Evans
Assistant Professor, Education
Renee' Fargason
Assistant Vice President of Public Affairs
Jacob Farrell
Assistant Coach, Men's Lacrosse
Kristin Ford
Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice and Forensic Science
Erin Forester
Executive Assistant, President
Fortner, Melissa
Melissa Fortner
Registrar, Â鶹ÊÓƵ
Fortunato, Jennifer
Jennifer Fortunato
Assistant Professor of Biology
Karis Fowler
Recruitment Manager
Ryan Franklin
Associate Professor, History | Chair, Department of Social Sciences
Shane Free
Officer, Campus Police
Mary Leah Friedline
Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religion
Michael Friedline
Associate Professor, Psychology
Tony Frye
Professor, Political Science | Associate Dean
Bill Gabelhausen
Professor, Theatre
Joseph Garwood
Assistant Director, Athletic Communications
Brian Gawne
Assistant Coach, Men & Women's Cross-Country and Track and Field
Gazelle, Anne
Ann Gazell
Professor, Education
Davy Gibbs
Associate Librarian for Collection Development
Gilstrap, Jennifer
Jennifer Gilstrap
Associate Professor, English
Bob Glass
Dean, Libraries and College Librarian
Rebecca Godwin
Assistant Professor, Biology
Amanda Gomez
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Nathaniel Greer
Assistant Coach, Softball
Kate Guthrie
Assistant Professor, Education
Teddy Guyer
Head Coach, Men's and Women's Swimming
Hale, Natalie
Natalie Hale
Specialist, Registrar's Office
Larry Hall
Technician, Help Desk
Kay Hamilton
Assistant, Janitorial
Kathy Harris
Instructor, Nursing
Heck, Mitzi
Mitzi Heck
Director, Administrative Services
Shahryar Heydari
Professor, Mathematics
Zackary Hoopaugh
Director of Marketing
Oliver Howington
Coordinator, Learning Center
Hudgens, Laura
Laura Hudgens
Assistant Professor, Mass Communications
Stephanie Hudgens
Stephanie Hudgens
Administrative Assistant, Office of Student Affairs
Hurney, Ker
Keri Hurney
Officer, Certification
Michelle Irvin
Administrative Assistant
Robert Ivey
Associate Professor, Music
Jackson, Melissa
Melissa Jackson
Associate Professor, Mass Communications
Steve Jacobs
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Jamie Jimison
Director, Men & Women's Cross-Country and Track and Field
Johnson-Huff, Jaime
Jaime Johnson-Huff
Dean, College of Nursing & Health Sciences
LaMica Justice
Kaiser, Christine
Christine Kaiser
Assistant Professor, Nursing
Colleen Kearney
Evening Public Services Specialist
Kelley, Jennifer
Jennifer Kelley
Associate Professor, Nursing
Jessica Kellogg
Student Success Advisor, Student Support
Kelly, Chris
Chris Kelly
Professor, Art | Assoc. Dean, Fine Arts
Areatha Ketch
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Hank Knight
Assistant Vice President, Facilities Management & Safety
Stephanie Lamm
Assistant Coach, Women's Soccer
Kelly Land
Associate Professor, Education; Associate Dean, College of Education
Lanneau, John
John Lanneau
Assistant Professor, Forensic Science and Criminal Justice
Chris Lawson
Technical Director
Director of Mascots
Jay Long III
Assistant Professor, Accounting
Lotter, Gabby
Gabriella Lotter
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Jim Love
Assistant, Maintenance/Plumbing
Kim Lovell
Associate Professor, Business
Walter Lovisek
Officer, Campus Police
Lutz, Bob
Robert J. Lutz
Professor, Computer Science
Tim Lytle
Professor, Philosophy and Religion
Tad MacMillan
Assistant Professor, Education
Majumdar, Santanu
Santanu Majumdar
Professor, Art | Chair, Department of Art
Mann, Lisa
Lisa Mann
Director, Career Services
Anne Bothe Marcotte
Adjunct Faculty
Terry Martin
Head Coach, Women's Softball
Trey Martin
Head Coach, Women's Tennis
Sandra Maughon
Professor, Business
Jamie McCormack
Head Coach, Women's Volleyball
Timmy McCormack
Head Coach, Women's Soccer
Brian McDermott
Assistant Professor, Spanish
Chris McVay
Assistant, Maintenance
Kris McWhite
Associate Professor, Economics
Dustin Meadows
Head Coach, Men's Golf
Chad Mealor
Officer, Campus Police
Vicky Mealor
Officer, Campus Police
Merges, Mark
Mark Merges
Assistant Professor, College of Education
Drema Montgomery
Assistant Professor, Art
Mike Moody
Professor, Education
Janice Moss
Professor, Mass Communications
Cat Mote
Recruiter, Graduate Admissions
Mulligan, Octavius
Octavius Mulligan
Dean, College of Education
Kayla Neal
Specialist, Georgia Forensic Academy
Greg Neeley
Head Coach, Men's Basketball
Keith Nelms
Professor Emeritus, Walker College of Business
Anthony Newton
Director of Online Facilitation
Dennis Nichols
Assistant, Maintenance – General
Steve Nimmo
Professor of Mathematics
Nix, Cathy
Cathy Nix
Associate Director, Financial Aid
William Nye
Associate Professor, Education
Taryn Ogle
Assistant Professor, Nursing
Hazel Park
Assistant Director of Student Accounts
Heejin Park
Associate Instructor of Music
Susan Parr
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Jalpa Patel
Specialist, Facilities Management
Sheena Patrick
Associate Registrar
Tracey Paul
Dean of Students
Emily Paulk
Graduate Enrollment and Recruitment Specialist
Trey Pearce
Assistant Coach, Baseball
Jim Peeples
Director, Intercollegiate Athletics
Danielle Percival
Assistant Athletic Director, Athletic Communications
Albert Pleysier
Professor, History
Ashley Powell
Office Manager, Speech and Language Clinic
Brenda Pruitt
Specialist, Accounts Payable
Jamie Purdy
Head Coach, Women's Basketball
Cristen Rabern
Head Coach, Cheerleading
Angela Rainwater
Associate Professor, College of Education
Randolph, Kristin
Kristin Randolph
Assistant Professor, Nursing
Shelley Randolph
Director, Financial Aid
Perry Rettig
Distinguished University Professor of Education
James “Brandon” Reynolds
Assistant Professor, Health Sciences
Dan Roberts
Officer, Campus Police
Letitia Roller
Director, Human Resources
Suzanne Rose
Associate Director, Residential Living
Stephen Ross
Officer, Security
Eli Ruiz-Mendoza
Coordinator, Accounts Payable
Greg Ryan
Associate Dean, Health Sciences
Morgan Sales
Assistant Professor, Business
Hannah Satterfield
Head Coach, Women's Golf
Justin Scali
Head Coach, Baseball
Julia Schmitz
Professor, Biology
Casey Sellers
Assistant, Maintenance
David Sells
Assistant Professor, Education
Michael Selover
Assistant Professor and Methodologist, College of Education
Cassie Shirley
Director of Student Accounts
Short, Katrina
Katrina Short
Associate Professor, Education
Amanda Shroyer
Human Resources Generalist
Lisa Shurtleff
Karen Sigers
Associate Professor, Music
Bill Simmons
Officer, Campus Police
Wiles, Cat
Cat Simpson-Wiles
Director of Student Life
Lily Simpson
Specialist, Registrar's Office
Christine Sledge
Advisor, Financial Aid
Christopher Smith
Technician, Maintenance,
Sarah Smith
Assistant Professor, Health Sciences
Tina Smith
Assistant Professor, Nursing
Southall, Candice
Candice Southall
Associate Professor, Education
John Spiegel
Associate Professor, Theatre
Lyn St. Louis
Student Success Advisor, Student Support
Stacy, Jeb
Jeb Stacy
Assistant Professor, Physics
Wendy Stanley
Coordinator, Regional Admissions
Jimmy Stephens
Head Coach, Men's Soccer
Nancy Strawbridge
Professor, Education
Gerald Sullivan
Professor, Business
Sarah Sumners
Associate Professor, Education
Ann Sutton
Ann Sutton
Assistant Vice President
Matthew Teutsch
Director, Lillian E. Smith Center
Thacker, Brooke
Brooke Thacker
Head Coach, Women's Lacrosse
Tianashan Thomaswick
Data Research Analyst, Institutional Research
Cindy Tinius
Coordinator, Graduate Studies
Douglas Torrance
Associate Professor, Mathematics | Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Vickie Turner
Interim Vice President, Academic Affairs
Dale Van Cantfort
Associate Instructor, Mass Communications
Cynthia Vance
Professor, Psychology
Kerry Waller
Dean, Walker College of Business
Susanna Warnock
Associate Professor, Business
Crystal Waye
Instructional Designer
Stephen Whited
Professor, English
Madison Whiteside
Assistant Coach, Women's Softball
Kristin Whitlock
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Wilkes, Chelsea
Chelsea Wilkes
Director, Campus Experiences & Operations
Matt Williams
Head Coach, Men's Tennis
Pam Williams
Administrator, Facilities Management
Remel Williams
Assistant Coach, Men & Women's Cross-Country and Track and Field
Williamson, Sean
Sean Williamson
Director, Counseling Services
Woodbury, Naomi
Naomi Woodbury
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Worley, Jared
Jared Worley
Advisor, Financial Aid
Amy Worrell
Adjunct Professor
Brant Wright
Senior Vice President, Administration and Finance
Yunxuan Yang
Lab Instructor, Chemistry | Chemical Hygiene Officer
Amy Young
Office Manager, College of Nursing and Health Sciences